First/Test blog

    Introduction: My name is Sawyer Christiansen, and I am a freshman at the University of Alaska Fairbanks. My major is in chemistry, and I do not consider art (the thing this blog is for) as an area of expertise for me. My pronouns are they/them, and besides what I've already written, I'm not super comfortable sharing much more about myself on a public space intended to be viewed by my classmates. I spend much of my time hanging out with my friends and procrastinating doing my homework, which is a trend that I'm sure will hold up in the future. I mainly just use social media for communication, and I don't upload much at all, but when I do it will usually be on my Instagram (@sawyer.christiansen).

This is a piece of art I found in the Museum of the North that I find appealing because it reminds me of an image of a character from an animated film that I enjoyed watching during my childhood (pictured below)
    Relationship to art: My relationship with creating art is almost non-existent; I've taken a few art classes in the past as part of standard curriculum, but I've never sought out art classes as electives and I do not create artwork during my free time. I also don't write or create music, because all three of those things involve other people seeing what I've created, and I am heavily against other people seeing what I create because there will always be haters and my self-esteem can't handle haters. The only art I own is little things my friends and family have created for me, which I greatly appreciate and enjoy owning due to the value they carry through the association with their creators. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I see the resemblance between the painting an the donkey. They both lack a specific emotion. And the shadowing to create the impression of folds from the nose to lip and the fairly straight line of the lip.

  3. I like how you stated you have little to no relationship with art. I thought of myself that way until later I started to see how I relate a lot of things in my life to art. The technique I use to wash dishes or the way I brush my teeth, Art isn't just a painting anymore how i use to see it but it is also the way of doing certain things in life.


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